We take care of processing the legalization of your Community, with the formalization of the Minute Book in the Property Registry and obtaining the CIF in the Tax Administration.
We carry out the accounting management of the Community, with the scanned record of all the invoices received, as well as the record of all the bank movements of the same. We always have the economic information up to date.
We take care of guarding all the accounting documentation of the Community, as well as the contracts signed by it.
We care about and control the different providers of the homeowners' association, so that their work and services are carried out with the highest quality and at adjusted market prices.
Through Tuadministrador.es (24 hours a day), you will always have the maximum information about your homeowners' association, for example, statement of accounts, calls and minutes, invoices, etc. You can also have this information through the APP that we provide for your mobile.
Through our legal department, we attend all those queries related to the Horizontal Property Law, and that affect the Community. We also take care of the monitoring procedures for claiming debtor owners
We convene the General Meetings of the Community of Owners, with all the legal requirements, we send the accounting accounts for the year, and we prepare the budget for the following year which, once approved by the Board, we send to all the owners along with a copy of the minutes of the General Meeting.
We manage the claims that the Community may suffer and we follow up until the final resolution.
If necessary, we present in the Tax Administration those tax models that the Community is required to do.
We also take care of managing the electronic signature of the Community, as well as the control of electronic notifications received.
Fincas Febrer is an office with more than 30 years of experience in the management and comprehensive advice to the homewners' associations, which is committed to a direct and personal relationship with its clients, in order to offer an efficient and quality service.
Since its inception, our firm has stood out for its professionalism and constant adaptation to changes in the economic, legal and social environment, and for the implementation of the latest technologies to provide more and better information to owners.
En cumplimiento de las obligaciones de transparencia establecidas en la Orden 2/2024, de 29 de febrero, de la Conselleria de Innovación, Industria, Comercio y Turismo, informamos lo siguiente:
Subvención concedida:
La empresa FEBRER ADMINISTRACIÓN DE FINCAS, S.L.U. ha recibido una subvención de 15.000 euros en el marco de la convocatoria EMPYME 2024 de la Generalitat Valenciana.
Finalidad de la ayuda:
Esta subvención está destinada a cubrir los gastos corrientes derivados de la consolidación de nuestro proyecto empresarial, específicamente costes salariales de los empleados y los gastos relacionados con colaboradores profesionales.
Objeto de las ayudas EMPYME:
Estas ayudas tienen como objetivo principal apoyar a personas emprendedoras y pymes de la Comunitat Valenciana en el inicio y consolidación de sus proyectos empresariales. Se conceden para sufragar gastos corrientes, y no pueden destinarse a inversiones ni adquisiciones patrimoniales.
Ámbito temporal de la convocatoria:
Las actuaciones subvencionables deben haberse desarrollado entre el 1 de julio de 2023 y el 31 de mayo de 2024, siendo requisito que los gastos hayan sido efectivamente pagados dentro de este mismo período y cumplan con los plazos de pago establecidos por la normativa aplicable.
Esta información permanecerá publicada en este apartado de nuestra web durante un período mínimo de tres años, contados desde la fecha límite de justificación de la subvención, en cumplimiento de la normativa aplicable.